Friday, May 7, 2010

Ok, I have 15 minutes to write this...

I am so mad.

There. I got that out of the way first.

I took the boys to the bike rodeo at Caleb's school last night. I got them on their little bikes, put Sam in the stroller, and we walked the half-mile to the school. It was fun, and they were cute. A little stressful to keep all three safe on their wheels, but fun. See:

Anyway, Eric met us at the school and we walked home together. I was enjoying the family walk in the nice weather until he was casually mentioning that he would be leaving for the field on Monday (which I knew) and getting back on Saturday (which I did not know. I thought he was coming home Friday).

You're probably thinking, "so what's the big deal? It's just one more day.". And you're right. It is just one more day. The reason I got mad over that is because he is turning around to leave again on Monday for another week. I was looking forward to having that whole weekend in-between to break up the field time, but now we will only have half of it.

So I fumed for a few hours, and was starting to get over it by the time we went to bed. And then he came home for breakfast today and said that he has to work tomorrow, also. So they are taking a huge chunk of this weekend as well.

And now I'm really mad. Spitting-nails mad.

I could go on and on and on about how stupid it is, and how unfair, and how much I hate it, and I probably would if I had time. But I don't, so maybe that's a good thing.

I've heard from a couple other wives about these last-minute changes to the schedule, and they are just ho-hum-ok-whatever about it. I want to be that way. It is my goal to be the kind of wife that just says "ok", and moves on, making the best of what tiny little amount of time the army gives her with her husband in all of it's benevolent kindness (oops, here comes the sarcasm and bitterness). I really want to be that way.

But the truth is I just don't know how. Can't figure it out. No idea.

I don't know how to not get angry over stuff like this.

I didn't read my Bible last night, so I sat down to catch up on it today, thinking that I might read something that will help. So guess what I came across?

People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness. --Proverbs 14:29

My heart rejoices in the Lord, the Lord has made me strong. 1 Samuel 2:1


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