Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's more embarrassing?

Having no followers on your blog, or asking a few of your friends who have blogs to follow yours, so you have.....like...... three followers?

It stands to reason that if you don't have any followers, no one is ever looking at your blog, and therefore, you can't really be embarrassed, can you?

But what if someone occasionally accidentally comes across my blog and sees it and goes "pfffffffffffffffffft. What a lame-o. She doesn't have even one follower."

However, this blog is not really written with the main purpose of having others read it. It's more of a diary for now. And maybe a way for family members to keep up with us, since they live so far away these days. if any of them ever think to look at it. I don't think they do very regularly, even though it's linked on my facebook page.

And maybe someday, Eric will log onto it in Afghanistan, and be able to read stuff I wrote a long time ago, or recently, and maybe not feel so far away.

And maybe in a hundred years, when my kids are grown and have their own kids, they will be able to find this stupid little blog on the internet, and see how their mom dealt with the challenges and handled the fears and uncertainties of being the young mom to young kids who is also married to a soldier in a time of war.

Or not.

Time will tell, I guess.

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