Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hello, my many readers ;-)

I have been sooo bad about updating this.  I think I can count the number of times I blogged through deployment on one hand.  Which is pretty sad, considering all of the learning and growing that went on during that time.  It could have been a great time to share what God was doing in our lives.  On the other hand, it was a very emotional time, and sometimes it's better to let a storm pass before I open my mouth to talk about know, gain a little perspective on it from somewhere other then the very middle of it.

Anyway, what's done is done, and here I am now, blogging again.  Can't promise I'll be any more faithful in this, but I will say that I have felt very inspired to share lately.  God has been so faithful to me and my family these past few hard years, and there's so much about Him that I just want to talk about.    I know only a few people read this, but it's still a way to share, and I guess that's why I'm feeling led here.

A quick summary of what's going on in our family at the moment:

Eric is getting back into a normal, non-deployment work routine.  So far, he's had very reasonable hours, in spite of the fact that he's picked up a lot more responsibility lately.  Nothing like the crazy 14 hour workdays where he was gone from before the boys got up until after they went to bed.  At least not yet!  He's done so well at his job, and I'm so proud of him!  He also works hard at home to help me around the house, and is very purposeful about spending time with the boys.  We are very blessed, happy, and thankful to have him home again!

Caleb is, of course, out of school for the summer.  I love spending my days with all 3 of my boys, and we are taking advantage of everything Fairbanks has to offer, particularly the weather!  We spend lots of time at playgrounds and taking walks on trails.  We also love to frequent the library, and one of our favorite regular events is the dollar movie day at the local movie theater.  I'm pretty sure that Nate is going through a growth spurt, as my picky eater has been asking for seconds and thirds at almost every meal!  And Sam is rapidly changing from toddler to boy.  He is the most rough-and-tumble of my three rough-and-tumbling boys.  He has no fear, and never, ever lacks enthusiasm or energy.  All 3 of them are at fun stages and parenting them is a blast (and also good cardio)!

I just got back from a whirlwind trip to North and South Carolina to see my beautiful sister get married.  While I was down there, I was blessed to get to spend some quality time with several other very dear family members.  It was amazing to see everyone!  I am so thankful I was able to go.  I got home a few nights ago, and am now slowly getting back into the swing of things.  Life has been in a happy state of upheaval since April, when Eric got home.  My normal, scheduled life had to become very, very flexible, and a lot of my routines went out the window.  Now that Eric is getting back to a normal schedule at work, I am excited to get back to a normal schedule at home.

Ok, so I kind of got the "what's happening" stuff out of the way.  I've had several times where I wanted to write about certain things, but thought it might be weird to just jump in, talking about some random topic, when I haven't updated in so long.  So now I consider myself free to write about all that other random stuff that I have the desire to write about.  I'm sure you're thrilled :-D

Be back soon!
