Monday, August 30, 2010

What's Up?

Well it was a nice, relaxing, restful, and RAINY weekend! We got in lots of good family time, which was wonderful after Eric having to be gone last week.

We are planning to enjoy this coming week, since our family will get to spend it together-at night anyway :) And it's a 4-day week, and then Eric will be off Friday through Monday! Yay! We plan to squeeze every ounce of family time out of that long weekend that we possible can, because family time will be pretty scarce in September. It's going to be a long and probably frustrating month, but I am ready to do it and get it behind us. And maybe to test myself a little for the upcoming deployment-how well will I do by myself with three kids when it's more than just a week at a time? We'll see!

I'm also pretty excited that Eric won Apache of the Week this past week while he was gone (for being awesome, of course), and he now has a four-day pass to take in October. We plan to enjoy that as well!

It's definitely cooling off outside! The trees are starting to turn gold, too. It's been raining a lot and the temperatures are staying in the 50s and 60s. Won't be long now before that rain turns to snow. I'm kind of looking forward to it! I know that sounds crazy, since we have snow on the ground for more than half the year here, but after the beautiful summer we've had, I just feel ready to enjoy the winter, too. I'm especially excited that we will be able to spend a lot more time outside this year, since I won't be pregnant for the first half of winter, and then worrying about a newborn getting too cold for the second half.

Speaking of cooling off, Caleb got a package in the mail from my mom with a lot of fall clothes in it, which was really nice, since none of the boys really had any warm clothes that fit. So this weekend we went shopping and only had to get stuff for Nate and Sam. We went to Once Upon a Child and bought them each a fall wardrobe for a total of $46, even. I love that place! If you have kids, you should definitely find the closest one to you and shop there. It's such a savings, even over Walmart.

So, I guess that's all for now. I know this post is not written that well, it's just kind of a hodge-podge of what's been going on lately. I'm sure I will have something more profound to share soon. :)

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